About Us

The LWML focuses on affirming each woman in her relationship with Christ to enable her to be in ministry among the people of the world. For over 65 years the organization has been encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to financially support global missions.

The LWML focuses on…

  • Richer Spritual Living
  • Global Awareness for Ministry
  • Avenues for God-blessed Service
LWML Sunday is officially celebrated on the first Sunday in October

The League Pledge and Songs

Lutheran Women in Mission Facts

Mission Education, Mission Inspiration, Mission Service, Financial grants for Mission Needs
“Serve the Lord with gladness.” Psalm 100:2
Official Publications:
The Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly (LWML national publication)
The The Messenger (statewide LWML publication)

lwml seal
Seal: Designed by Mrs. Quin Dennis of Huron, South Dakota, the emblem was selected at the 1947 convention in Chicago, Illinois.
LWML Color  Logo
Logo: Adopted at the 1991 convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

Downloadable B&W TIF file (32K)
Downloadabe Color GIF file (2K)

Reproduction of this logo is acceptable if color and design is unaltered, and the use supports the mission of LWML.

The Mite Box

Based on the Biblical account of the widow’s mite (Luke 21:1-4), the mite box is intended for regular contributions of “mites” – offerings above and beyond the support given to congregation and the LCMS. Mite Box contributions amount to millions of dollars that fund district and national mission grants and implement the LWML program.

Mite Boxes, available from the district, zone or LWML office, are distributed to every woman in a society, and often to each member of the congregation. Local groups submit mite box offerings to the appointed district officer.